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About me

Future Vision

While studying and working I consider every opportunity as an experience to learn from. I try to keep growing with every project and collaboration, so my professional career can lift off. This all to have full dedication to improvement, curiosity and realism. I am looking for trends, but also for possible change of a perspective. I keep my work practical, relevant and creative. Feel free to take a look at my work and get in touch whenever you desire.

About me: Over

Curriculum Vitea

About me: CV

Delft University of Technology - Industrial Design Engineering

Sep 2017-Jan 2021

During this 3 year Bachelor Program I went through several courses of Industrial Design Engineering. The courses had a great variety of subjects. The main subjects are people, technology and business, with an eye on design within every corner. Several combination where made within the courses and experience in different design disciplines where the result of this academic education.

Queensland, Australia University of Technology 

July 2019 - Jan 2020

A semester abroad as a student of QUT in Queensland, Australia. Within the minor I choose a variety of courses to expand my skill even further. From a technology course to marketing and from arts to design thinking. Not only the studying on the other side of the world, but also the traveling, culture and independence formed me to the person I am now. It was an adventure of a lifetime.

Somnox - Human interactive design Intern

Jan 2019 - July 2019

This internship within the start-up somnox gave me an insight in what in possible with my education. I experienced what design is in the real world and how a company works. Working with like minded people on a product that can help people is my inspiration for my future career.


Sep 2011 - May 2017

High school and bilingual education formed the basic stepping stones for my further development in life. Within this time you go through personal, social and professional growth as a person and here I fell in love with science. Practical courses where in my nature and a easy discussion for the future.

Software program skills



Software application used on Apple devices. Creative app for all kind of (design) sketching. A lot of features are available and drawing is just like in real life. I developed my skills in Procreate by practising on my Ipad Pro 2020 and exploring all features.



Adobe as an amazing set of software programs. I am skilled with several programs. Illustrator, Indesing, Photoshop, Lightroom, Premium Pro and Rush. Currently working with the UI, UX and 3D, AR programs.



SolidWorks is a 3D CAD-Packed program. It can be used for design and building of mechanical, electrical, and software elements. SolidWorks is the most professional and well known software programs for 3D design.


Android Studio

Android Studio is used to program applications. The program is using JavaScript, the most used computer language in the world. I gained my basic skills during my elective courses.



Axure is a software program which is used for creating prototypes and specifications for websites and applications. It offers drag and drop placement, resizing, and formatting of widgets.


CES Edupack

CES is a unique set of resources that support Materials Education across Engineering, Design, Science and Sustainable Development.



Maple is a symbolic and numeric computing environment as well as a multi-paradigm programming language. It covers several areas of technical computing, such as symbolic mathematics, numerical analysis, data processing, visualization, and others.



COMSOL Multiphysics is a cross-platform finite element analysis, solver and multiphysics simulation software. It allows conventional physics-based user interfaces and coupled systems of partial differential equations (PDEs). COMSOL provides an IDE and unified workflow for electrical, mechanical, fluid, acoustics, and chemical applications.

About me: Nieuws
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