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About me

I developed myself in many disciplines, during my education at the TU Delft, faculty of Industrieel Design Engineering. I am known in a variety of subjects. From design to people, from tech to business. I gained a lot of experience and knowledge during projects and courses and learned to work with a variety of software, methodes and techniques. Through this website I want to present my work and give insight in me as a (visual) designer. Furthermore I have some experience in photography and will also present my photography here.

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About ER Design

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Design Services

Everything you need


Design Sketching


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Home: Diensten

"Have no fear of perfection -- you’ll never reach it."

Salvador Dali

Home: Citaat


Do you want to know more about me, my work or how I could be of meaning to you in a project or marketing oriented? Feel free to contact me anytime. I am looking forward to explore a possible collaboration.

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Bedankt voor de inzending!

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